Saturday, November 13, 2010


While emphasizing that 2011 would be a better year than 2010, and certainly better than 2009 and 2008, Joseph Gyourko, a real estate professor at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, said anyone who believed in a "V-shaped" recovery "needs to get back on their meds."

well that says it, doesnt it. and oh yeah there was a story about less is more in real estate. and the shrinking house:

click no wonder Mad Max's plungers are selling for zip. maybe its not the fashion anymore unless you have 22 kids and counting?? or maybe a polygamist with a Lexus?

Oh squash: click hopes for housing that is

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

polygamist with a Lexus?

Ms J thats a hoot !!!!!

All kidding aside, anyone who bought one of these 3500 sq ft monsters is in serious trouble.

2500 sq ft Max.