Tuesday, April 26, 2011

biggest losers

in real estate that is:click

slipping and sliding: the case shiller that is: click

New rules for mortage brokers:click

citizens to drop policy holders with chinese drywall:click

the truth??click

double dippers:click

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Bunny

Spring and Sprung. The forecast for housing is: click

76 percent off: click

Up and down:click wonder how many were organic buyers and not speculators.

zillow: real estate porn?click

Friday, April 8, 2011

Pipe Dreams

in Florida that is; click

Real estate losses signal audit;click

Oh no fraud in Miami, imagine that:click

Monday, April 4, 2011

Foreclosure folly

Seems like the foreclosures are still coming: click like a whole hotel down the street.

We saw the piece in the paper as well, homeowners getting free homes. What they arent telling you is along with getting free homes there is no capital gains taxes due either, as funds received via lawsuits are not subject to taxes, I would guess that this would include a free home as well. While we dont respect short cuts taken by banks and lawyers, the bottom line is.. nobody forced anyone to sign on the dotted line and rewarding someone with a free home is rewarding irresponsible behaviour. I can understand if someone is permanently disabled from an accident or terminal illness but otherwise, I truly dislike the giving away of free houses.
This isnt the firm time I have heard of it. Then there are those that borrowed huge amounts of money, bought secondary property and put in a family members name and
let the bank take back the original home. They are still ahead over a million dollars, or so. back to the old adage, you can steal more money with a pen than a gun. Those persons in my view were very quick to put it all on the pass line when they thought there were big rewards and now... kings X I didnt mean it ???

Case Shiller back to 03 levels: click

More mess to come:click

Saturday, April 2, 2011

So anyways...

Been snooping around at WF lots, just for fun. saw one on the N. Fork of the new river, couldnt understand why the sellers were selling, they just put in a dock and bought the lot from Sterling bank last year, so the used house salesman was nice enough to reply, that the sellers were going to build their dream house but "nuts" from the historical district turned their dream into a nighmare and they are selling. un quote. what's that say for future buyers.... not much.

I forgot how scary the govt cant be. I met a girl a few years back that was building a small house on the water, she was from Chicago, she said she had the worst experience in 20 plus years with the building police. Now whether thats true or not, I dont know but makes cause for concern. I have since aborted all plans for a WF lot in the city. Things like having to get a building permit for new cabinets, and of course adds to value add to tax base. To rigid for me.

Years ago they wanted to get rid of all the boats and wanted to institute a no renting of docks period, they still wont allow open advert of same and if you had a nosey neighbor what would happen if they happen to rat on you for having a friends boat in your front yard??

Meanwhile as you know the case shiller fell again, surprise surprise.

Nice little chart to read before you buy or sell your home: click