Thursday, November 11, 2010


Bubble toil and trouble. half of all foreclosure sales in PB county called off:click

who woulda thought 78.00 sq ft. Mad Max's plunger of the day. you cant build a dog house for 78/ft. and with a 20 percent predicted drop that makes it.....?

south florida values continue to plunge:

more of the same with some pretty little charts:click

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A tract home McMansion that the bank just took over (recorded date 10/29/2010). Not suprising, but looks like the bank got it back for $342K (no higher bidders). This baby sports a very impressive 4592 sq ft.

Since there were no higher bidders at $342K ($75 per sq ft), this one will end very badly.

These massive tract homes are taking a real price beating as people begin to factor in the operating costs of these behemoths and the fact that they have to qualify for loans now days with 20% down.

2500 sq ft Max.