Wednesday, June 30, 2010


property values fall in PB county:click

Foreclosures sales on the rise:click

case shiller Florida falling:click

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Glug Glug

44 percent underwater, 1 in 5 walkaway?click

The what ifs, what if the oil spreads further here and more walkaways and cancelled contracts?

Here's a dandy little chart from condo vultures that shows more added inventory, could it be sense of something bad coming like a sea of toxins?click I know I am over reacting.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Plunger alert

2630 N.E. 38th listing here, click nice work on the part of the used house salesman with the photo of the stained head (toilet).

purchase here:click

thanks 140, looks like a tear down to me.

Ms. J

Collapse crash

Worst collapse in new home sales ever:click gee wonder why ?

We lived in Sobe 5 years ago and visit, stay over on a friends boat every few months. We were just there a few weeks ago. If anything its 10 times worse as there are a lot more condos. I have gotten spoiled here with Whole Foods, Publix green market and Carmines all within striking distance and I can find a place to park my car anytime of the day at the supermarket. The homeless outside of the gate at miami beach marina were a new finding. I had to wait for a prescription for pain meds after having a root canal almost 5 hours. As said the everyday business of living is like living in a large city with few resources. The local health care leaves something to be desired as well in my experience.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Buyers picky

picky;click here

August is coming with recasts galore, throw in oil contamination and a hurricane and we would be in deep trouble.

No recovery in sight:

click here

got the hardware out of my wrist last friday..

South Beach, we lived there for 2 years at Sunset Harbour Marina on our boat.

What it is, fun, great restaurants, great gyms, events. The down side, grocery shopping is a nightmare, so is anything to do with getting a prescription filled,
buying a home item, only one small hardware store and parking is a nightmare to do any of the above. 12-15 to park at a restaurant, no free valet there and isolation from real world needs.

Fun place to visit but I wouldnt want to live there again,

Ms. J

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


told yah... act surprised would

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


bubble oil and trouble

here's a goody from the times click
still typing w/one hand. been watching the oil thing, this in my opinion has high probabilty of failure and has a high probability of coastal damage here, especially if we have a hurricane. if interested is ameeting place for geologist and other petro professionals, the implications of real estate destruction is something to be considered.
the press has been silent regarding gulfstream fluid communication and the potential
for air and water contaminates.
there is even unsubstaniated rumor of planned mass evacuations if needed.

we live on an island, across street from water, and will keep a keen eye on events.

ms. j