Sunday, January 31, 2010

more of the same

walking away that is:click

biggest losers:click

the Elec has been out all am here. finally back on.

The commerical RE shoe:clickyou dont have to look to far, to find a retail ghost town around here.

rental vacancy high: click

Saturday, January 30, 2010


we saw 943 S.E. 10th in pompano beach is inactive with last asking price of 415k.
that was the one with the mystery bridge height on a corner ,big lot, with lots of big boats around. Im thinking 399 bought it. will follow it. after 613 days.
mls # F931612 I think from what I remember it was a foreclosure? short sale? of that nature. If I hadnt been a home owner already, I would have considered. nice lot if I could get the boat in there.

Meanwhile this flipper still owns this one: click after almost 4 years?

Housing maket isnt recovering: click

90 day rule:click

Friday, January 29, 2010

biggest losers

option arms that is:click

Mcmansion is dead:click

The flippers got lucky and hit a home run:click purchased last february for 614,500, plus approx
13k in taxes for 1 year and 6 percent re commission , loan payments on 500k for approx 1 year, plus improvements =? purchase price of new buyers 820k. originally ask price $876k was on mkt for 143 days , listed with 3 different brokers, plus time to close. somebody bought the house across street from lasalle bank for 625k click I wonder if Mr Bull knows that his higher price will reflect on his new tax bill??? Seems the sellers of 3305 live on the next street and probably couldn't resist such a good deal. And then, there's this one. bought from chase bank for 1 mil, previously
sold for 1.9, it was almost 50 percent off . click what a deal!


Thursday, January 28, 2010

In case you didnt know

Florida is:click

I always wondered about this:click this free lunch/rent/ thing irks me to the core. I have big time resentments about it. I can understand if someone has a severe health issue, death, but for healthy capable people its hard for me to find compassion. I remember when I was a young gal, a hundred years ago, or so it seems, by myself, working with no support whatsoever, living and working pay check to pay check, having to work through the pain of just having appendicitis surgery, wishing I could just catch a break for one month to make it through.... I will never forget those days. but I dont regret them either. If you put your money on the "pass" line expect two outcomes.

the good bad and the ugly:


bankers, 3 months foreclosure:click

did you read the part where it says, the banks wont go after the unpaid debt if the house isnt trashed?????

we agree March will be interesting, along with August when all those ARMS recast.
think of of a 400k mortgage going from 1300 a month to 2500 a month, big jump.

Uof F

survey from the univ of Florida:click

how much time do you have?

New home sales drop:click yawn.

we like the part from the seeking alpha article that says new mcmansions in urban areas are not worth keeping even at the cost of 1 dollar. they were/are only good for the speculators who choose or didnt to exercise their buy option.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


is everything.
is it time to buy a house yet?click this one is sood good we are going to put in our library. we like the part about speculators jumping in etc. and creating false interest.



big time walk aways:click

Monday, January 25, 2010

HOA help

at last I wondered about this... click the city of wellington is allegedly paying for the janitor fish to clean the pools.
Florida existing home sales reported to gain:click
this says it all:click

more revolt:click

case shiller:click